Couples Sex Addiction Three-Day Intensive


Betrayal trauma occurs when a person’s trust is violated by their spouse or relationship partner in the most intimate way. The betrayal devastates the betrayed partner’s sense of self-worth, causes them to question reality, and cripples their ability to trust their own instincts, let alone others.  Safety and security are replaced by what may seem like a never-ending tug off war between a deep desire for connection and a fear of being betrayed all over again. While it may seem hopeless, there is a pathway to healing. 

Trust, the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, can be rebuilt and, with the unfaithful partners willingness to be completely honest, vulnerable, and a commitment to helping their betrayed partner heal, a new, healthy relationship an born out of the ashes of betrayal and brokenness.

Recovering Hope Counseling offers a three-day intensive for couples utilizing a model developed by Dr. Milton Magness called Hope and Freedom. This intensive model for couples focuses on:

  • The unfaithful partner committing to being 100 percent honest with themselves and their partner by completing a thorough therapeutic disclosure process supported by a polygraph

  • Providing the betrayed partner with the ability to determine that they have established a baseline of complete truth and transparency from that their partner and that they are no longer being deceptive 

  • Providing the betraying partner with the tools needed to achieve and maintain sobriety and prevent relapses

  • Provide the betrayed partner with the tools needed to better understand and begin healing from her relationship trauma

  • Help the couple develop Personal and Couple Recovery Plans that give the couple performable tasks and goals to develop healthy relationship skills that fuel the process of reconstructing their relationship and restoring trust and intimacy.

  • Help the couple set realistic, healthy expectations for their recovery that are based on consistent commitment and effort over time

The Hope and Freedom model also provides ongoing support following the three-day intensive through ongoing one-day Aftercare sessions three months after the intensive and every six months thereafter.

Dr. Milton Magness discussing the intensive process

Ready to begin the journey?

If you are interested in a Couples Intensive, apply for an intensive, and we’ll setup a phone consultation to answer any questions and determine if this is a good fit for you.